Sunday, July 26, 2009

A nightmare and a dream of a workshop.

Yesterday started very badly. I woke up around two thirty chanting this catchy little number, ''crack crack sore head, crack crack brain dead"! The immediate image in my head before I awoke, was looking for someone and finding a whole bunch of bloodied people hanging from the wall in a freezer room. This really freaked me out and  it is still visually very strong in my mind. It's been a long time since I had a nightmare, and I can usually track back my dreams to some sort of influence during the preceding day. I hate to think what inner depths  this came from!!

Anyway, things rapidly improved, as we, SisterArts, had our first day of workshops with Keith Lo Bue. The workshop focuses on techniques for using re-bar wire for jewellery and to embellish small sculptural pieces. We had 11 students apart from Kathy and me, and all of us got a lot from the class. Keith is a great teacher and I learned so much, even if, as an organiser I didn't have quite as much time to practice all the techniques.

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The great thing about using this wire is that it is very cheap so one can really be adventurous without worrying about messing up. As I am not taking any regular classes or doing any regular committee work this term, I intend to spend lots of time playing with things I have learned today and in a number of workshops over the past year or so

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