Monday, May 19, 2008

Art Journey Retreat

I am exhausted today after three wonderful days of workshops. I think I actually brought home a cold with me, but it was worth it. My sister Kathy and I attended the workshops run by Traci Bautista, Misty Mawn and Nina Bagley and we both had a wonderful time. It's very cool having a sister who has similar interests to me and we do a lot of arty stuff together. We also live only about five minutes apart which is very handy for car pooling!
I think I'm a bit of a technique junky. I love attending workshops and trying out new things. I have learned that I work pretty slowly, rarely finish a piece, and am often less than impressed with what I have achieved. But now, I just accept that that is the way I learn. I take in what I can, take notes and photographs, and try it out at home. I no longer compare what I have done with that of anyone else in the class and I'm no longer disattisfied. It's a heck of a lot less stressful too.
These workshops were held at Swinburne University (Hawthorn Campus) in Melbourne. It wasn't an ideal spot because there were parking issues some of the time, but it was very close to some good coffee shops. This was what was needed after leaving home very early in order to be able to find somewhere to park. It was also a bit strange being on a campus on Friday while classes were running, and quite amusing to see the faces of some of the young male engineering students as they looked at us through the windows. It was great to catch up with some people we met at the first Retreat in Freemantle last year, as well as others we see more regularly, and to make new friends too.
I would like to thank our three wonderful teachers for their generosity and terrific teaching. A very special thanks to Nina who was not at all well, and soldered on, despite the most dreadful cough; a real trouper and a great teacher.
I am too tired to post photos tonight but I will upload a few in the near future.

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